Thursday, October 7, 2010


I've been wanting to get the girls a bunk bed for awhile. I finally got fed up with not being able to walk between their beds (because of the stuff they left on the floor mostly) and with them not really having room to do anything in the room but sit on the bed.

So I looked online. I looked on craigslist. I thought I wanted a twin over double bed - thinking there may be a night that Alan may want/need to crawl in bed with the person on the bottom bunk to get some sleep if he has a fussy roommate. Or thinking a double bed would be nice for sleepovers or company of any kind.

I thought I wanted one of those metal bunks - because they're inexpensive. But I didn't really like the look of them. Then I saw a few online that were wooden, but more A-frame style and don't look so much like stacked beds to me. And I started to think that's what I wanted.

The girls were excited to get bunks... I didn't ask what they wanted.

Then I got the idea that I could probably make the beds. Ones I saw online didn't look so complicated. And I drew up some plans. No, I've never made furniture before. My woodworking skills are minimal.

And then I got fed up. And not seeing myself making any beds anytime soon, I went to an unfinished furniture store to look at this bed for a second time. And bought it.

For now, we're using the twin mattresses. Julia has filled up the extra space on the bottom bunk with some 'stuff'. I may need to go through that stuff and 'help' her organize it.

Around the corner in the picture is the dollhouse. They were excited to have it moved there and have been playing more with it. I guess the hard floor and location in the living room didn't make the dollhouse so inviting.

Alan's a little miffed. Didn't like the dollhouse being moved and is not so patiently waiting for his own bunk bed to appear.

For now, I'm so happy with the extra space in the room I don't mind the messy beds - as long as the floor stays relatively clear.

It's the little things in life...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Nice! I love the idea of bunk beds, too. The girls just aren't old enough for them yet, I don't think. But yours look great. Isn't it wonderful to see the floor?