Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Darling Daughter!

Holly's been emailing me while they've been gone. She signs off "Your loving daughter, Holly". Or something very similar. I love that.

I tried to find some old pictures of her. We got a digital camera when she was about 6 months old. You'd think there would be plenty to choose from. It seems her older sister monopolizes camera time. Not that she seems to mind. Look at how sweet she is. A spit-fire.
She's always had a huge smile.

And moments of quiet.

And she's had a lot of love even when she maybe didn't want it.

But I've always loved her spirit.

I think she's beautiful. And loving and sweet. And opinionated. I tried to find a picture of her pink "tap tap" shoes that she slept in when she was 2. No luck. Holly's personality is for all or none - she goes 100% at whatever she's doing. Competitive. Being happy. Being mad. She strives for perfection.
And now she's 8.
Let's slow down the clock. It's all going too fast.

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