Sunday, December 5, 2010


For now the girls' blogs are set so anyone can read what they're writing... I put the links up on the sidebar at the right, but had Holly's address wrong. So now I fixed it.

They don't write often, but when they do it's fun to read what's in their heads. And Holly just updated hers last night. I thought she was writing about the hike she and Julia and Sean went on yesterday afternoon. They went to the Francis Beidler Forest while Alan attended basketball practice and a birthday party. But she wasn't.

After years of watching the girls at birthday parties for friends and watching Alan be the kind of 'tag-along' little brother at functions, it was a lot of fun to watch Alan play with his buddies and hear one calling his name across the gym every now and then.

Today is going to be full of choir and church. The kids and Sean have gone to the 8:45 service where the kids' choirs are singing. Then at the 11:15 service our family was asked to light the advent candle. And this afternoon the children's choir performs The Drowsy Shepherd.

I bought a camcorder this week to capture Julia at the talent show Tuesday night... and can share it once I figure out how to get the videos off the camera and onto the computer. Her courage amazes me. A few weeks before the show, a sheet of paper came home saying "since you aren't doing the talent show, would you like to read a poem at the end of the show that night". She was in tears because she was supposed to be in the show and didn't understand why she got that paper in her folder. Apparently the teachers handed them out to all 5th graders and not just the ones who weren't performing in the show. The tears surprised me a little. I knew she wanted to do it, but I didn't realize just how much. I love that passion in her. And the fact that even though she claimed to be nervous she never lets it show or slow her down.

And now I better go get ready for the day while I have a few minutes...

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