Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I feel like I've really slacked with the blog. Like everyone else who blogs I wonder sometimes if anyone ever reads or cares if I write... and sometimes I feel bad that I haven't posted more often.

I have the excuse of a new-ish baby, but I don't really want to use it. I feel like if I say I can't do something because of her it will snowball into lots of other things I think I can't do.

There have realy been quite a few "blog-worthy" moments lately... like tonight...

I had a little trouble with the pot roast today. (It was boiling too much and I turned it down, but it went too low without me realizing and it wasn't as falling apart as I'd have liked when it was time to eat... but anyway...)

Julia didn't much care for the meat, and she called it tough. She left me this note before Granna took her to basketball practice. "Dear Mom, I am sorry I said your meat was tough. I hope you can forgive me. Your for now, Julia."

She even let the cat sign it.

I giggled slightly at the 'for now' part, since it wasn't the first spat we had this afternoon. Alan didn't understand the "heart your for now". So he changed it. First he erased the 'r'. Then I explained I thought it was supposed to be 'yours'. So he fixed it.

And he wrote on the board "I forgive you". Sweet.

Then the other blog-able moment happened yesterday.

Sean and I were in the town hall to see the people at the wellness center. We watched a TV crew interview a woman about Trader Joe's grocery store coming to town. Sean stuck his head out of the door of the room to tell the reporter we think it's great Trader Joe's is coming and that his wife loves to shop there.

So they wanted to get me on camera saying I like to shop there.

I said No, but they didn't like that answer. So I said Okay. Jillian sat in my lap and cried for most of the time we were talking. I'll say that's why they cut me from their piece.

Yesterday I woke up an hour late. Julia had 10 minutes to get ready for school. I don't remember if I put on makeup. I know I hadn't showered. I was planning on getting a haircut that afternoon because I couldn't stand my hair anymore... I know if I'd seen myself on the TV I would've wondered why I let myself be seen like that.

Oh well.

The third bloggy-bit I will share is that Alan has set up his army men around the living room. There are a few strategically guarding the window sill and the mantle. I like them. They're kind of decorative.

Or I could write about how the dishwasher died. The spring in the door gave out first a few weeks ago. Then a few days ago the pump in it quit. I think we only washed 1 load with dirty water. Ew.

So Sean went dishwasher shopping...

I think I would have stalled a bit. I would have milked it to make the kids work a little more. Or milked it to make me have to wash dishes and them leave me alone a little more. That sounds mean. But I would've done it like I do my hair and waited until I just couldn't stand it anymore.

Sean likes to wash the dishes before he puts them in the dishwasher. He likes to put everything and anything in the dishwasher.

I didn't expect him to go long without one.

The new dishwasher holds a whole bottle of detergent in the door. That's cool.

The old dishwasher was sitting just off the driveway, halfway to the curb. I think Sean was going to take it away somewhere tomorrow. But today, sometime between 7 and 10 am, it disappeared.

On the one hand - Yay. We don't have to take it anywhere. On the other hand... it wasn't exactly at the curb. Sketchy.

I wasn't going to make any New Years resolutions. I'd like to start running again. I'd like to have my pelvis aligned right and my core strong and I'd like to feel like I could hop up from a chair and not feel a thing odd. I should do my exercises and stretches more regularly. I'd like to finish more sewing projects. Organize the house. Read more books, Knit more. Play piano. Play piano with the kids. Play with the kids.

I guess I have too many resolutions. They're ongoing for me. And the one that I hope I remember...

I want to enjoy my kids. Today is the only day that they are going to be these ages and doing these things. And it's going so fast.

I should do a little better job documenting some of it. For those of you who don't get to see them as often as I do. Maybe I should blog those moments more often than once every ten days...



trish leete said...

ten days is a stretch. I do check your blog regularly because there always seems to be something I miss out on if I don't. nosey, eh?

trish leete said...

And I think Julia's note is sweet especially since she took time to write it while running around getting ready for practice.