Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cleaning up

I spent a little time lately cleaning out my Google Reader.

I go in spurts with reading lots of blogs and reading just a few. And I switch up every now and then the topics I like to read. For awhile it was knitting and sewing... until I felt bad that I was doing more reading about other people's projects than creating my own. Then it was food and cooking. Homemaking stuff. Frugality. Green living.

I cut out the ones that I read and felt like I didn't measure up to the author - the ones that I thought I probably wouldn't really click with that author in real life. It feels good to not have so many unread posts when I check my list in the morning. I subscribed to the recipe portion of Pioneer Woman's blog and should probably unsubscribe. Not that the recipes aren't good. But there are a hundred posted each day and I don't read any of them. I just notice the first couple that pop up in the reader and sometimes am inspired to make something.

I also cleaned out some stamp sets. One paper sack full, waiting to be taken somewhere.

I probably should get rid of more. Most. But I can't do it. Not yet. I haven't made any cards in 2 years. Maybe longer. I miss it sometimes. I definitely miss knowing that I have a notecard in the desk to write a quick note on when I want to. But I tried to keep the ones I know I've loved and are easiest to make something from.

I briefly looked up some of the sets on ebay and a stampers forum to see if it might be worth trying to sell them somehow. I think I'll end up donating them. Even if I thought I could find a buyer, I'm not sure it would be worth the wait.

It always feels good to clean things out a little. Make a little space. No doubt I'll think of something I want to put in that space I've made soon...

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