Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

No, you don't have to wait for Valentine's to celebrate love. We started celebrating tonight. Mom made a heart shaped cake. With sprinkles. That's how you know it's special for a holiday. A regular everyday cake has no sprinkles. (I made that up.)

Alan thought she made the cake and brought it today so we could eat it Monday. Crazy kid.

I've been trying to think of some kind of Valentine goody to give the kids. Something little. I've settled on chocolates. It was going to be chocolates and sweet tart candy hearts. But I ate the candy hearts.

And I needed some celebrating joyfulness after the roller coaster day Julia and I had. We ended the day with a talk. Apologies. Explanations of feelings. The girl has a truly wonderful heart. We agreed that the number one House Rule should be 'Love Each Other' and that Joy will come from Love.

I'm thinking how appropriate we realized tonight that while we should show love everyday, we don't. And luckily we have a holiday to remind us. And to give us a reason to eat cake with sprinkles.

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