Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Too Good Not to Share.

Or maybe it's one of those things I shouldn't share.

Today the girls had physicals at the pediatrician's office. Not the flight doc.

They got their fingers pricked to check cholesterol and hemoglobin levels. They had their blood pressure taken. They were weighed and their heights were measured.

At the flight doc I would have expected the height and weight, and that's it. And that's what I expected from the pediatrician.

The nurse handed each girl a plastic cup and said "here you go".

And so I asked her, "You want them to pee in a cup?"

Really? They do that with kids? Hand an 8 year old a cup and say 'here you go - go to it'? The girls didn't know where the bathroom was, much less what to do once they got there.

Holly had a pretty good idea, but she'd had to pee when we got to the waiting room and so she'd been to the bathroom in the last 20 minutes. I told her that was okay, she could maybe try again in awhile. Not to worry.

Julia had no clue what to do. She was ready to squat over the cup placed in the middle of the bathroom floor until I stopped her.

No kidding.

She ended up dropping her cup in the toilet anyway, so there was no urinalysis done today.

The bottom line is both girls are healthy. And now they have some idea how to pee in a cup. And everyone is caught up on shots. (Poor Holly.)

It was quite an afternoon. While I'm halfway thankful for a thorough physical, I'm also thinking a once over from a flight doc would've been just fine, too.

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