Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mommy/Holly week

This week I had Holly to myself.  Julia's at Camp Toccoa.  Alan's with Daddy.  Holly is here.

It's gone by too fast.  I kept thinking we have a whole week to do special things.  Monday we went to the beach.  Tuesday we went to Mr. Popper's Penguins.  We were going to swim at Granna's pool but a storm came over the neighborhood just as we got ready to go.  Tuesday night she had a friend sleep over and they played all Wednesday morning.  Today we went out to lunch and to the outlet mall with Granna and Jillian.  We bought a few clothes she'll need for camp and only 1 fun shirt.

She's had a friend to play with all week.  And I think she's had fun.  But I had visions of lots more fun outings.  We watched TV together at night and she got to sleep in every morning.  I procrastinated packing her stuff for camp - kept thinking she had a couple of weeks - only she's going to be going to camp straight from her dad's and so I should have been thinking about the little extras all along.

I hear if you wait til the last minute, then it only takes a minute.

But the anxiety is high for me.

So I'm going to trust that her dad is capable of making sure she has stamps and shampoo and a pen in her suitcase.  I think it'll be okay.  I'm feeling lucky lately.  Yesterday when I filled the van up with gas, I decided I was going to stop the pump at about $65 even if it wasn't full.  The pump quit on $65 exactly all by itself, van full of gas.  Today I was singing to a song on a cd in the car and decided I wanted something peppier to sing to.  I wished I could hear Zac Brown's song about being knee deep in the water somewhere and I pushed the button for the radio.  The Zac Brown song started just then, from the beginning, no talking beforehand.


Somebody is watching out for me.  I think Holly's going to be fine.  And I'm so glad we had this week together.  Even if I had to share her with her friend.

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