Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why I Love Valentine's Day

I like Valentine's Day.

I know many people go the Valentine route of "everyday should be Valentine's and I don't need Hallmark to tell me to tell you how I feel". I was once one of those people. It was easier that way. No pressure to impress. No need to think of something special. I wasn't always like that though. It was laziness.

And it's not that I want flowers and candy or jewelry or or that stuffed bear from the grocery or even any present at all.

People who love each other should take every opportunity to tell and show the person they love that they do in fact love that person.

But Valentine's is special. Because you make it special.

Making something special for dinner. Doing something together you don't do every other day. Maybe even sending a love letter.

Sean does lots of really nice things for me all the time. Little things. Like going to the store for lollipops for Holly's class because I promised her I'd get them and I forgot. But knowing that he thinks about it being Valentine's Day and wants it to be special means something, too.

It means that as much as he loves me on any other day, some days he still loves me more.

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