I'm due around Nov 3. If you ask me in person I'll say around Halloween. And the oldest daughter around here has a birthday the day before Halloween. So she's concerned.
What if I'm in the hospital on her birthday? Who will make her a cake? What about having a birthday party? All the attention is going to be on the baby and not on her birthday. Yes, she's said it. I cringe - but at the same time I applaud her honesty.
Cakes out of the freezer taste delicious. I'm sure she'll get a fabulous birthday cake. I've tried to assure her that she'll always be special and we won't forget her birthday. I've tried to pick at her and tell her that we can use the same candle from the baby's cake and add a one for her age to it since she'll be 10 years older than this little girl. She didn't like that.
Maybe when the time comes, she'll change her tune a little. Maybe that depends on how close their birthdays are.
Moving on... someone took my picture the other day. I usually move out of range when the camera comes out. I think I might have seen one photo of my mom when she was pregnant with me, and I always thought it was kind of neat... but I only saw one because there was only one. Now maybe I know why. This image was captured by a roving photographer who was also taking lots of pictures of feet. I don't know why.
And in other preparations for Baby... we bought a minivan. A Volkswagen Routan. It's nice. It's comfortable. The kids like having more space than they had in the CRV. They still load up their more space with Stuff.
Driving it feels kind of like driving the Pilot. And then I get out and see it's a minivan. I have to change my mentality about it. One nice thing is the doors stay locked until the driver opens his/her door. One thing that bothers me a little is that the radio stays on until the driver opens his/her door. It's the little things in life I guess.
Here they make the VW symbol with their fingers. Some with more dexterity than others.

that pregnancy picture really doesn't do you justice!!!
The radio stays on for a set time so that you won't miss those "driveway moments" as NPR calls them. It's the story that's so enthralling, or the Garrison Keeler comedy routine, or your favorite song. You can shut the engine off, but still hear it. It's just like the headlights in Auto mode. They'll shut off on their own, but they stay on just a bit longer for your convenience.
Have you found the umbrella tray yet? It's along the driver's seat on the floor. Very handy.
Tell the kids that there are 3 VW symbols on the front of the Routan. See how long it takes them to find the VW inside each headlight.
I bet your daughter will be thrilled when baby sis turns 30--hoping everybody will be so focused they forget she's 40.
Pregnant women are gorgeous. They glow with life. My wife and I found we enjoyed the 7th month the best.
See my site http://routanowner.blogspot.com for neat things about the Routan.
I agree with Trish - we need a BETTER pregnancy picture!!
Have you come to any decision on cloth diapers? I feel like I want to send you a new message that is more clear than the mud I sent you before. Let me know if you still have questions.
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