Monday, August 22, 2011

School's Started.

 The kids are back in school.  I'm finding I have a little time here and there to do something besides referee kids fussing.  That sounds awful.  They don't always fuss.  But those are the moments that are tending to stand out in my head lately. 

They all seemed to get along best when they had a purpose and project.  But coming up with tasks is exhausting to me.  One morning before school started I had Holly cleaning the bathroom and Alan folding napkins.  Someone swept.  It was great.  And they get along when we ride our bikes to Blockbuster.  Or when we went to the waterpark one Saturday - that is, they got along after I turned Julia and Holly loose to go their own way. 

I've started transforming a corner of the garage into a playroom.  Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64 in one corner.  All the overflow books on shelves.  I had a great evening out there playing Connect 4 with Julia while the other two played Mario one night.  It's a work in progress, but they don't mind going out - especially since we got a fan out there - and I love that they can be loud and I don't worry about who the noise is disturbing.

Julia started 6th grade.

I have to take a moment.

Julia started 6th grade.  Middle School.  She has a locker.  And she keeps lip gloss in it.  She's taking her shower in the morning and worrying about what the kids at school will think of what she wears.

Alan liked 1st grade last week.  Hopefully he keeps liking it, although his enthusiasm has waned some.

We've made it to the bus stop every morning.  The bus leaves the stop at 6:30 each day.  It's not scheduled to leave until 6:40.  That makes me mad.  The bus driver has told most of the parents or kids to be there by 6:30 because there's a 10 minute leeway for when he may arrive.  Personally I think it he's scheduled to leave at 6:40 then he should leave at 6:40.  That extra 10 minutes is a big deal that early in the day.

Getting everyone ready on time seems easier now that Julia's in middle school.  Her bus leaves at 7:33.  And I think Holly kind of likes being the big sister for Alan and walking to the stop with her friends that trickle out of houses as we pass.

The year's off to a good start.

Other than all that, here's some of where we've been in the last month:

On a trip to Tennessee to see family and friends - including time at the lake swimming.
 And time at the lake fishing.  Or modeling.
 And checking out Neyland Stadium in Knoxville.
 And swimming at the big pool where I used to lifeguard as a teenager.  I even ran into a couple of old friends.  And Sean ran into a bunch of cousins.  Alan jumped off the high dive with no hesitation.
 And we ended the week at Sean's family reuniun where a cousin of his taught Julia how to weave a bracelet/anklet out of parachute string.  And he taught her well because she made one that she wears constantly on her ankle now.

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