Friday, October 14, 2011

The Last Few Weeks Nutshell

I like to play the piano to alleviate stress. 
Looks like Jillian likes it, too.

I probably didn't mention, since I haven't been good about blogging regularly, that Sean's dog Tony passed away at the beginning of September.  His favorite thing to do was to retrieve a tennis ball, and he ran for the ball right up to the day before he died.    Since then, the back yard isn't quite the same, but Annie seems to be adjusting to her role of Only Dog rather well.
 Jillian is starting to walk, and climb.  The house next door to us has some pretty lantana, too.
 And Julia got to sit first chair at the first orchestra concert this week.
 We listened to the 6th, 7th, 8th, and the high school orchestra play.  I'd say I enjoyed the 6th grade and the high school the most and Alan said Mary Had a Little Lamb, played by the 6th grade, was his favorite song of the night.
Notice that Julia's not wearing her glasses?  She does not have contacts.  She just thinks she's prettier without glasses.  And so she's left her glasses in her backpack for weeks.  Until they finally broke. 

I wish she knew she is pretty with her glasses as well as without. 

1 comment:

Andy and Amy said...

Congratulations on first chair! Keep it up and soon you'll playing at the Reading Symphony Orchestra. :o)