Monday, January 16, 2012

Early mornings...

I love early mornings.  More than late nights.  I love being up before the kids and able to drink my coffee in the quiet.  It's worth getting out of a warm bed - most of the time.

I need a little down time at night to regroup before I sleep.  Sometimes I read a book.  Sometimes I cruise through blogs.  Watch some mindless TV- preferably entertainment news and usually it ends with me wondering why I bother to waste my time watching it.  Last night I read a magazine.  Southern Living.  And this morning I have a few ideas rolling through my head.

I really should do something about the clutter and prettiness in the bedrooms.

And second I'd love to take a driving vacation to some significant places - the article was about a driving tour across Mississippi stopping at famous writers' haunts and homes.  I wish Mississippi was closer.

Then I wonder if I could find a similar themed getaway around South Carolina...

Of course, it wouldn't be the same.  But it might get me looking.  Or heading to Mississippi before the year's out.

1 comment:

Linda Underwood said...

You have kin-folk in Aberdeen, MS and Tupelo, MS that would LOVE to see ya'll....Come on over!! - Aunt Linda, Uncle Greg (Underwood) and cousin, Mandi & Scott Burden.