Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Parenting and Happiness Project goes on

I'd say the Happiness Project is still going on.  I'm still working on the clutter.  I haven't singled out a room or a shelf or a spot yet to focus my decluttering on, but I try to pick away here and there.  And I've been dancing with Just Dance on the new Wii every now and then during the day.  It's not the same as running, but it's probably better than nothing, and it's been cold out lately.

And the other thing on my mind lately is Parenting.  I'm finding myself drawn to parenting help websites, articles, books, and anything else I can grab on.  This world of tweens is scary.  I feel a lot of pressure that something I do or say - or don't do or don't say - is going to make a huge difference in a bad way.

And sometimes when I read someone else's parenting adventure or when I read a little bit of advice I remember to BREATHE.  And be calm.  And to not jump to react before logical thought can come to my brain.

It's the makeup.  The influence of friends that I'm just not sure about. The wanting acrylic nails because a friend has them.  The wanting to wear pants 3 sizes too small because of the way they make her butt look.  The use of cell phones and texting - texting boyfriends.  Texting friends.  Texting back and forth with one friend when another friend is in the room.  The not wanting to write thank you notes even though I made a huge deal about the importance and gave a deadline.  The 20 minute showers and the refusal to take showers.  The mess in the room.


I'm struggling with the balance of letting them be themselves - teaching them etiquette - letting natural consequences occur - and getting what needs to be done, done.


Maybe running in the cold isn't so bad - it'd probably help me breathe.

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