Saturday, February 4, 2012

Second Dose

So Holly's temperature went up and down last night.  At 11 she was back at 102.5 and at 11:30 at 103, so I took her to a clinic.  The tests for strep and flu were negative.  Yay.  The doctor gave us a prescription for amoxicillin and Zyrtec and said to give her ibuprofen every 6 hours.  They also gave her a dose of ibuprofen in the office, even though I gave her one not long before we got there.  However, the dose he prescribed for ibuprofen was 350 mg and I'd only been giving her 200.  Hm.  That might expain a few things.

In the clinic waiting room she looked pitiful.  I asked her on a scale of 1 to 10 how she felt. 5.

If that's her at 5, I'd hate to see her at a 2.

After the doctor she seemed to perk up a little and had an icee at Target while we waited for her medicine.  She's been at the kitchen table ever since, playing on her iPod. 

Julia had fun with her friends.  She's out running an errand with Sean and fussing at me through text messages for not letting her stop at a friend's house to stay for awhile afterward.  I don't like the fussing.  But it's less irritating through a text message than face to face I must admit.

Little things.  They help me through the day.

1 comment:

Andrea and Ben said...

Poor thing. I, too, am no good at the pukey sick kid thing. Gross. I will rock sick kids all day wiping their forehead, but the minute they puke I call Ben. Hope she is on the mend!!