Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just a Thursday Night

I took Alan to the pediatrician today for a checkup.  Just because.  And since it was his first time being seen in that office, I had to fill out a lot of paperwork.  They asked questions like - how much he weighed at birth.  When did he sit for the first time.  At what age did he first walk.

It was hard to remember.

He peed in the cup and took his fingerprick a lot better than his sisters did.  He giggled the whole time he peed and filled it to the very very top.  Giggling.

He wanted to see the blood pressure thing.  Wanted to inflate it.  And deflate it.  Wanted to mess with the weights on the scale while we waited for the lab results.  Never still.

This afternoon I took Julia to the orthodontist.  They took pictures of her the first time we went there, two and a half years ago.  She looks so young in those pictures.  It makes me sad.  I thought then that she was such a big girl.  So old.  Mature.  I think I missed something.

There's a pond behind my mom's house.  The bank is very steep.  Jillian started at a walk, heading toward the water where Alan was trying to pull out a long piece of fishing line.  I was at the top of the bank trying to untangle myself and a tree from the line.  Jillian's walk quickly became a run down the steep bank.  That last step was a doozy.  She fell in.  Stood right up.  Not upset.  Not mad or crying.  Just wet.

No, I hadn't brought her a change of clothes.

I went to Target after taking Holly to gymnastics.

I got Jillian a shirt and shorts.  She can use another of each anyway.  I also bought Holly a new hairbrush.

You would have thought I gave her a Christmas present.  It's apparently the very best hairbrush ever made.  She loves it.

My mom had washed and dried the pond clothes before I got back with the new ones.  Magic of a nice washer and dryer I guess.  And it seems the story of my life.  I'm always just a step behind.  Or maybe I'm a step ahead and should be going slower.  At any rate - I gotta pay better attention. 

1 comment:

Andrea and Ben said...

Reid had to pee in a cup last month and I was trying to remember who else said their boy peed in a cup recently. He giggled too and told Ben it was the most fun he had all day - geesh :-P