Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Favorite Times of Day

I think I've complained a lot lately about behavior and bad attitudes. Or at least in my head I have, if not on this blog. But this morning as the kids and I walked to school I realized that walking to school is one of my favorite parts of the day.

Granted Julia has had her moments with wanting me to hold her hand, but it seems like she's getting over it, or at least she's making do with me holding her hand on the sidewalk or the not so busy streets, and keeping someone else close every now and then too.

And even when someone's legs are tired or someone's not getting to walk right where he or she wants to walk, I like walking with them.

I thought this morning we might be driving, like we did on Friday - since Holly was sick I drove Julia and Alan to the sidewalk that's about a 7 minute walk to the crossing guard at the school and let them out. That way I didn't get in the traffic, and they got a little walk in, and they didn't arrive too early. But I missed walking with them.

We talk. About the things we find on the street (dead frogs, leaves, rocks, trash...). About what they're going to do at school and what they want to do after school. About friends. And cars going by too fast. Anything and nothing.

It's nice.

My next favorite time of the day is washing dishes at night with one of the kids. Most often it's one of the girls. Tonight was Holly's night. I helped her load the dishwasher and then set her up for the hand washing and had to go in and out as I helped Alan in the tub. But I still liked it. Just being with her and working on something together. And when I came back from the bathroom when Alan was done and out, she'd already washed out the sink and wiped down the counter and hung her rag on the faucet just like Grandma Sarah does. The kitchen looked really nice. Last night Julia and I washed together and I got to hear about something at school - which I admit I don't remember - but I do remember her telling me all about it.

It's a pretty nice way to start and to end a day.

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