Friday, September 17, 2010

Why I Like to Knit

I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about knitting. Since I picked back up my needles and made the soakers and a few baby hats, Ravelry has been my first stop on the internet when I get on. I started that little animal yesterday and finished him up this morning. Holly's going to a birthday party tomorrow and her friend wanted a headband/kerchief thing like the girls have been wearing to school lately that I knitted. So I took her to Walmart and we picked out some yarn and I made her friend a headkerchief. But Holly said that wouldn't be enough of a present, and I thought about making her friend more than one. I went to Ravelry and looked to see what other patterns I could find for a headkerchief - and saw a pattern for a little stuffed animal. Following the pattern would make one about 5.5 inches tall, which may be how big this one ended up, but I didn't follow the pattern exactly. I was actually aiming to make one bigger.

Now I'm going to make him a friend using one of the yarns Holly chose and probably give the two of them as a set to her friend. As long as Holly's okay with that.

I love that I can carry my hobby with me and work on a headkerchief in a waiting room. I love that I can be surprised by a new pattern or idea and use up little bits of yarn I thought were going to be useless into a kind of cute toy. I love that I can make things that are useful and not just things that are fun or funny.

I don't really like that I couldn't sleep because I had this little animal on my mind - as well as figuring out how to take in the neckline of that little cardigan I made for Julia not long ago that she has successfully stretched out by pulling it kind of shawl-like around her shoulders. But I'm glad I have a hobby that I like so much. And while I still like to sew and want to sew and think of projects all the time that I'd like to sew - like a new dress-up dress for the girls or Halloween costumes - it's much less of a hassle to pull out yarn and needles than to drag out the sewing machine and yards of fabric.

That's what's on my mind lately. Knitting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A woman after my own heart!