Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Until recently we had been walking the mile to school each morning. Then we had a week of rain. And I drove. Then we had a week of no matter how early anyone got up, no one was ready to walk out the door to walk and still make it before th,e tardy bell at 7:25 am. Yesterday we walked.

It was dark for most of the way, but we had a flashlight and the street to ourselves for the most part.

Today we drove again. Telling Alan 5 times to put on shoes, or get dressed, or finish eating, or anything else didn't seem to register with him.

So as we were about to get in the car I said that tomorrow and Friday I would like to walk. And if we don't get to walk because of someone dawdling to get ready then that person would have to pay to ride in the car.

First question - how much? I said I wasn't sure. My first reaction would be to say a quarter, but since they're so willing to part with 2 or 3 dollars for an ice cream from the ice cream truck in the neighborhood, maybe a quarter isn't enough. Alan wants to know what if he doesn't have a quarter, as he fiddles with his 2 dollars worth of dimes on the table.

Then Julia started complaining. She doesn't want to pay. And telling her to get ready on time then is not stopping the complaining.

And I find that the more they whine and complain about things, the less sympathy I have for them.

Then I feel guilty. Like that might be an okay reaction from a human psychology standpoint, but it's not okay for a mom to feel like that.

I even told her that the paying to ride is only a rule for the next 2 days, to see if we can start a better habit. Whining continued. Sympathy level dropped. Maybe the rule should be longstanding.

Unless I don't want to walk one day.

Julia would disagree, but I can change the rules, because I'm the mom.


Andrea and Ben said...

Hahaha, this post made me laugh :-D.

I can only imagine how hard it is to get 3 out the door!

Jen said...

It is so hard to get them out the door, isn't it? Good for you walking most of the time. Hope you can keep it up!