Friday, October 22, 2010

Jillian Grace

She arrived Wednesday morning about 7:18 am. 7 lb 5 oz. 20 inches long. And has a head full of hair. Long hair.

Sean's face just might say more than I could write about it.

I had to call him home from work in the middle of the night Tuesday. I was so glad he was able to get away as easily as he was. He got home a couple of hours before we headed to the hospital. And checking in took a little longer than I expected - or maybe hoped. But we were in the labor and delivery room right at 3 hours before she was born. Long enough to have some especially painful contractions, and to get an epidural.

My mom brought the kids by after school to meet her. She'd spent the night before with me since Sean was working - just in case. So glad she did.

Sean's mom drove down and arrived that evening to meet her. She brought Jillian a bracelet.

We were met by Holly running down the street, hair flying, as we came home Thursday afternoon.

Everyone seems to enjoy holding her. I think the kids (especially one with a birthday coming up next) are working through some issues with sibling rivalry or jealousy or something - but for every complaint or whine or 'what if' there's been a time of cooing and smiling and can't keep her hands off.

Sean went in to work this morning but they sent him home. He wasn't planning to take time off just yet. I don't think he expected her to come before her due date by this much. So he took the kids with him and turned in some stuff for work and they spent the day (which the kids had off from school) walking the big bridge in Charleston, going out to lunch and visiting a local farm. Now everyone is exhausted and no one wants to go to bed.

But didn't they look sweet this morning.

Tomorrow is our celebration for Julia's birthday. She's chosen to take her 3 best friends to lunch and the outlet mall. I can't believe she's turning 10. So grown up and yet so not.

Going to be another big day.


Andrea and Ben said...

So precious! I can't wait to hear all about the first couple weeks at home :-). The kids look so enamored with her.

Andy and Amy said...

Congratulations to all! :o)