Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sewing Again

I've been sewing. I tried making a fitted diaper from a prefold diaper following a tutorial online. I didn't really like the outcome - although it might be functional. I saw another tutorial I'm planning on trying... soon. I also made some non-paper paper towels using flat birdseye diapers... rags to keep in the kitchen and use like paper towels which I pretty much refuse to buy, even though my mother gives me a hard time about it - but it's really her fault because she always guarded the paper towels like gold when I was growing up. I think I like them.

Julia's been asking for dresses. Now a Halloween costume. And one for Holly and one for Alan plus a cow costume for Alan to wear in the kindergarten nusery rhyme parade. I can't pay $20 for a cheap costume that I know will get torn up in a week. I knew it was too good to last when they were all picking Halloween costumes for characters we could make from the dressup box.

Then Alan picked up an old doll I made for one of the girls years and years ago - circa 2003 - and said he wanted one. A boy one. He planned to color it blue. So I recycled a blue dress (just the skirt - got plans for the top) and made him happy this afternoon after I sewed a few cloth wipes (because it just makes sense if we're doing cloth diapers).

Just cock your head to the side to see the picture. I'm too tired to do anything to rotate it.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love that you can sew. I wish I had that talent!