Thursday, January 20, 2011

10 Days...

It's been 10 days. I remember when I used to post everyday. Sometimes more than once a day. It's not that nothing really interesting is happening around here - at least what I might think interesting. It's that once I get a chance to sit at the computer I can't remember any of it. Maybe I'm just getting old. Speaking of old...

My brother turned 40 on the 19th.

I know I shouldn't make it about me.

But how did I get old enough to have a 40 year old brother?

It's a little depressing.

First that all hit me, and then I started to wonder who decided that certain ages are really so special. Like 10. Or 30. Why do people get extra excited for a 50th anniversary and not so much for a 55th? 53rd?

And then David did also run a marathon last Saturday. The last I remember chatting with him about running he said he hadn't really been running all that much lately. That was within the last 6 months. Next thing I know it's mid-December and he's signed up to run a marathon in January. Something must have happened in the middle that I missed.

Maybe he suddenly realized that he was about to turn 40.

And he wanted to show 40 what he's really made of.

1 comment:

trish leete said...

and, how did I get old enough to have a 40 year old son and (almost) 38 year old daughter???
Life is good!