Monday, January 10, 2011

Being a Kid

Holly spent a little time on Sunday afternoon bonding with Jillian. She lined up the 7 dwarves after first introducing Jillian to Sleepy. Jillian and Sleepy were big buds.
And today the kids had a Winter Weather day off school. I went to sleep last night wishing we wouldn't have to go to school today... really because I didn't want to have to wake up at 5:45. I still had to get up. I didn't check the school closings until I let the cat out into the sleet - and if I hadn't heard a rumor that a neighboring county was already closed for the day I wouldn't have checked then. 3 hour delay. So I put the milk back in the frig and tried to go back to sleep. Then I gave up on sleep and got up to play with pictures and the computer. The school called at 7:10 to say there was a 3 hour delay. Then within the hour they called back to say no school at all.
So Holly and Alan spent most of the day on their Nintendos while I spent most of the day playing with pictures and the computer. Julia spent most of the day at Granna's with a fever...
Holly and Alan took a Nintendo break and Holly made some art with her silly bands.

And they took another break later and made signs for Alan and Jillian's room. Not sure what the inspiration was, but I love the bear's tongue hanging out.

It cracks me up. But then, they often crack me up.
That's what being a kid is supposed to be about. Enjoying the littlest things. Not being the one to have to get up at 5:45 on a snow day.
I haven't liked the harshness in my voice and on my face in the past days and weeks so I'm making a conscious effort to speak with a smile on my face and in my heart - without being a pushover. It's working. I think they're listening - maybe even listening better than they did in response to my ugly voice - and even when things aren't going exactly as I'd like or as I'd planned I'm feeling happier about it.
Because I'm serious about enjoying these little moments while they're little. Being a kid is great. Being a mom to a kid is great, too. Especially these kids.

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