Wednesday, January 26, 2011

(cont'd again)

Then tonight at church he decided to go to the art class that's offered after his choir practice. There he drew a guy going up a hill and falling off the other side and cracking his head open. No blood this time. But there are skull fragments if you look closely.

I'm relieved this one at least is a self-inflicted injury if not a complete accident. I'm relieved there's no pool of blood - but also mindful that could be because he only had a green crayon to work with.

I'm thinking these are normal pictures for a 5 year old boy to draw. Partly because I don't want him to be abnormal. I don't want him to draw nothing but princesses and puppies, but I'm not sure where the violence is coming from. And I'm not sure if it's cause for concern.

Anyone with some reassurances for me?

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