Monday, January 24, 2011


Grandma Sarah sent a little kitty to Jillian. It's very cute and got lots of 'ah!'s from the other kids, each of whom has a similar rabbit from a similar age.

I have been spending a little time in the last few days trying to clean up and clean out and organize things - if not in the house at least in my brain. I don't remember if I said out loud here that I don't believe in resolutions - I still find some inspiration to reorganize things in beginning a new year.

I have the feeling that we are storing a lot of stuff that we'll never use. I've cleaned out a bunch of dishes and pots and clothes in the last month. Lots of things that took up a lot of space at the back of the cabinet or closet but rarely or never got used. I felt good knowing they were there, but that was about it. There's no value in that. I found all my jewelry and hung it up to wear. For the last year and a half or so I've just worn a few necklaces on occasion. The rest of my bracelets and necklaces were in the bottom of a drawer in boxes. I don't know why. But why have them if I'm not going to wear them?

I think I should have that attitude about all my belongings. Why have it if you don't use it? And then I look at my way too large rubber stamp collection. And I know I should not have so many sets of stamps I never use anymore. Then I feel sad. I loved making cards. I want to use the stamps. I don't know when I will, and yet I'm not ready to let them go.

So I will concentrate on other parts of the house. Like the bathroom counter. Think it's time for a new toothbrush holder for the kids. What a way to get my mind off the stamps, huh.

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