Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Few Photos from my Phone

Alan had to decorate a tissue or shoe box for a Valentine mailbox. For some reason he decided he needed to do it on Monday afternoon. That's really okay with me since every other project we've done like that has been done the night before it's due at school. He insisted the slot be skinny - maybe like one he's seen on a Charlie Brown movie?

But there's proof that this is not all he's done lately:

I love the crossed legs. In fact, he didn't play the DSi at all today. And the other day at Mom's he walked in looking for Lincoln logs.

Other good news around here is that Jillian has learned to roll over. Front to back. She doesn't do it on demand, but she does it when she wants to - and her arms aren't positioned wrong.

I love that terry outfit I found at Target. It has a big butterfly on the butt. And polkadots on the feet.

Basketball season is almost over. I think Alan's enjoying it. He doesn't always want to go to the games or the practices, but he has fun once he's there. And likes to play with the ball around the house.

and then the big girls. Holly had an orthodontist appointment this week. The dentist suggested we have 2 teeth pulled out on the bottom, to make room for a tooth that has come in behind the row it's supposed to be in. Eventually she'll have braces to move her center line back to center on the bottom. The dentist actually said we'd let her regular dentist "wiggle those two out". It took me a minute to realize that he meant have the teeth pulled. But he's also great with kids and she's fine with the whole plan. Even the pulling.

Julia gives me this look a lot these days. And sometimes it's in jest. Sometimes it's hard to tell.

They're all growing up so fast.

1 comment:

Andrea and Ben said...

Haha, I love Julia's expression - classic pre teen!!!