Monday, February 28, 2011

Holly Goes to the Doctor

Holly had an appointment with an ENT doctor today to see if we could find a solution for her loud breathing and occasional snoring. (As I type, she's down the hall and I'm pretty sure it's her I hear breathing.)

She can get a little worked up worrying about what's to come - and tends to fret endlessly. I had a hard time putting her fears to rest. She was convinced she would end up having surgery this afternoon and repeatedly asked me how long the appointment would take and what the doctor would do.

The appointment took 20 minutes and the doctor prescribed a steroid nasal spray to hopefully shrink the enlarged adenoids that seem to block her nasal passages. Hopefully she will outgrow the adenoids in the years to come and the breathing problems will go away on their own.

I'm also hoping that quieter breathing will mean she's getting better sleep and maybe she won't have bags under her eyes and maybe she'll even wake up not cranky. Asking too much?

And I just want to end this Holly Update with a little praise for her. I know she's a spitfire. Hardheaded at times. She knows just how to get my goat and she works it. But -

Tomorrow we have to turn in the Jump Rope for Heart money. All three kids brought home envelopes and information about it. She was the only one to set up a webpage and solicit donations (thank you to those who sent her money!). She did it on her own the very day she brought home the papers. And she also contributed her own money. Without being asked.

She was hoping to reach a certain level of donations to get a certain toy reward - but even when she realized she wouldn't quite make it, she didn't seem to care. She didn't take her donation out of the envelope. And she didn't base her donation on getting to a certain number. She just reached into her wallet and pulled out money. $10. From a girl who is not so easily parted from her money that $10 is precious. And so is that girl.

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