Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Game

We recently got a basketball goal for the driveway... just in time for the end of basketball season. The kids have been enjoying it all afternoon. I love that.

Right now they are playing a game. One person is filling the base with sand and thinking of a word while the other two shoot. A basket earns the right to guess a letter in the word and the first to guess the word wins.

Alan was just the one filling the base with sand. He had a 3 word phrase for the girls to guess and the game became more of a 20 questions/hangman combo. Julia figured out the first word was 'I'. Holly asked for a hint for the last word which they knew had a 'c' in it. Alan said it had something to do with Daddy.

Julia, thinking, says 'Lucky!' No. What is he? 'A dog!' No! What is Daddy? A pilot... a cook... Close!

Holly pipes up with 'Cool!'. Yes!


That was Alan's phrase. That had something to do with Daddy.


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