Saturday, February 5, 2011

One Day

That's what I lasted with the new rule on the DSi time limit. I won't tell him that, but I'm changing my strategy.

Here's why.

I'm choosing my battles.

Sometimes it's easier on me to let him play his game while I'm cooking dinner, even though he's past his limit. If we're in the car and he's playing nicely, then I don't really care if he's playing over the limit. If I want to play basketball with him, or go to the library, or play Uno and he's over the limit it's different. But if it's raining and cold out and I'm folding laundry, giving the baby a bath, cooking or doing other chores, then it's okay with me if he's on longer than his time.

I know - consistency and all that. I'm not saying I want to or will give him free unlimited access to it. Just that I view the rule as flexible.

It comes down to - I don't want to watch the clock. I don't like being referee. And there are times that the alternative to playing the DSi isn't all that much better for him.

I want him to ride his bike. Play basketball. Run around outside. I want him to read. To go to the library. To draw. Play with play-doh. Board games.

Most of those things are more fun when done with someone else. So if I want him to do those things, I should encourage them by participating.

Behind the time limit is the feeling that the DS shouldn't be more important than say brushing teeth. It shouldn't be more important than getting ready for school. It should be taken for the game that it is, and he should be spending time outside when possible.

So far, he's done pretty well with his limit. He straightened up his act in church when I reminded him of gaining time by behaving properly. He quit playing when I reminded him he was past his 30 minutes, and he's accepted it the times I told him we were done with the DSi for the night. All those things are improvements on the throwing fits when told to get off for any reason before.

So for the picking battles thing... I think it's going okay.

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