Sunday, March 13, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I just noticed I had 3 blog drafts waiting to be finished. I guess it's just Life keeping me from finishing them.

Jillian's getting big. Starting to show a little personality. Reaching for things. Screeching to show displeasure. But I think I still have an upper hand when I can dress her up with a butt ruffle and matching foot bottoms. Even put a bow in her hair when I want to. All the kids are getting big so fast. I rarely notice it until someone else takes a picture when I'm not around. Look how big Alan is. Tall. Coordinated. At least somewhat.
This past weekend we went to Savannah so Sean could play rugby in the "Old Boy" division. It was a little chilly at 8 am Saturday. The kids watched about a minute of the game. Ran around the field a little, played on the bleachers some, and then escaped to the van to warm up and wait.

A bonus of the kids growing up is that I can pass off the camera to them and get some great pictures through their eyes. I handed the camera to Julia as we walked up the street to get breakfast before we went to an Irish Festival being held in a park close to the river. She really has a great artistic eye.

The festival was free - crafts, shows, kid jump stuff. The only cost was food - which was not too expensive fair food. Funnel cakes, cotton candy, corn dogs and nachos. Yum. The girls (and even Alan) loved watching the Irish dancing - which I call Highland dancing because some friends of mine growing up did it. They were also completely entertained by the magic show by Magic Marc late in the day.

Sean wasn't sure when his next rugby match was, so he left us at the festival and went back to the tournament. Julia and Holly were huge helps to me keeping up with each other and Alan. Another plus of them growing up. Young enough to really enjoy the little things and big enough to be relied upon.

Holly and I rode this whirligig ride. The little girl across from me needed her seatbelt tightened - she was coming off the seat when we went upside down and her eyes were pretty full of fear. So our ride was cut short, but Julia and Alan wanted to try it later so Julia and Holly went together. Alan and I went together, but he wasn't enjoying it and so we got off.

Sunday Sean was too sore to play any more rugby. We had breakfast and went to a park instead.

The fountain was green for St. Patrick's Day.

The park was fun. Playgrounds. Lots of paths and room to roam or run.

A fountain to get wet in.
Jillian didn't miss much this weekend, but occasionally she just had to have a short nap.

We'll have to go back soon.

Back at home I made some chocolate chip cookies with strawberry icing for Julia to take to school today. It was a special request by a friend who is moving away. I don't recommend it myself. I thought making them sandwich cookies might make them better. Hopefully it's not a total failure to the rest of the kids in the class.

1 comment:

Andrea_Ben said...

I can't wait to get to Savannah. Ben's sister lives there and interestingly enough, her daughter danced in the Irish fest, but in a younger group! I wonder if you saw her. The cookies look good, hope they are a hit with the kids :-)