Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Call me Crazy

I haven't bought bread in weeks.

I've made some in the bread machine - rolls and pizza dough.  Maybe a dough or two I used for a loaf early on.  I sent rolls to school in lunches a few times.  I'd send the ham and cheese (in stick form) separately and the kids seemed to like it like that.  Peanut butter on the rolls didn't go over as well. 

And lately I've been sending muffins.  I'm on a muffin kick.

Julia has a friend whose mom makes a delicious muffin of some sort with cheese in the middle.  When I asked Julia to get the recipe, she told me how she'd asked her friend already and started to explain how to get the cheese only in the center of the muffin.  I told her I wanted to know about the bread part.  So she asked her friend, who said that any muffin mix is fine to use.

That didn't help much.

I've made blackberry, blueberry, and peach muffins.  I've made corn muffins with ham and cheese centers.  Today it was brown sugar and oat muffins.  This afternoon I altered the recipe and added cocoa to make them chocolate.

I'm using at least half whole wheat flour.  Putting in oats.  Flax.  Berries on occasion (blackberry was most popular.)  The ham and cheese were pretty good, according to the kids.  Julia says her friend's are not corn muffins though.  I added finely ground nuts and apple to the last two batches, and the cocoa ones may rival the blackberry ones.  The only ones that no one but me has liked were broccoli.  Too bad I made two batches of them.  I may have to remake them into a new dish.

I'm sure muffins are on somebody's 'not as good for you as you think' list, but so far I think these are okay.  They're certainly not cupcakes.  And one of these days I'll figure out how to make a savory one that everyone else likes, too.

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