Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cheese Crackers

I tried making some cheese crackers yesterday.

A few weeks ago I got an urge to try making crackers.  How hard could it really be?  I looked up lots of recipes.  I bought some spelt flour at Whole Foods that week.  But I never got around to trying it.

Then the other day I saw a post about homemade goldfish on a blog.  She had adapted a recipe for cheese crackers, made them a mix of whole wheat and white flours, and cut them out with a small fish shaped cutter.  The recipe used only 6 oz of cheese, 3/4 c. of flour and half a stick of butter - with a little bit of salt and onion powder.  That's it.

So I tried it.

The recipe said to bake them for 12 to 15 minutes, and the second batch that I let go longer than the first was the better of the two.  I possibly could have fit all the crackers in one batch. Even better.  No waiting around to switch out trays and whatnot. The flavor was a little - weird.  So I may play with the spices or try them with all white flour once. 

All in all, it wasn't a bad experiment.  Making the dough in the food processor was also easier than I expected it to be.  Isn't that how it goes.

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