Sunday, March 20, 2011

I got out the sewing machine.

I found a spot for it - on a card table in the kitchen in the semi-awkward space where a table would almost fit if some other stuff wasn't there.

Maybe I can leave it there long enough to make a few projects using up some stash and ending up with useful ... things.

Up first.  A taggie.  Made from sweatshirt fleece.  One side fuzzy.  One side not.  No planning on the ribbon placement, other than leaving one free side so maybe possibly one day the taggie will transform nicely to a doll blanket.

Of course now that I had that thought it will never transform from taggie to blanket, but that was my reasoning.

Jillian reminds me of the girls as babies - especially Holly for some reason.  I've called her Holly more than once.  But she's also nothing like them in some ways.

Like - the girls never took a pacifier well (neither did Alan) and none of them sucked their thumbs.  Jillian is a thumb sucker.  The pacifier will suffice on occasion, but when she's tired, the thumb goes in her mouth and eventually she goes to sleep.  (Of course, Holly was a pillow humper as a baby to put herself to sleep - they each have their quirks.)  Now that Jillian's found her feet, she also likes to suck her toes.  I hope she outgrows that before she gets stinky feet.

The girls - and Alan - also never had a blanket or stuffed animal that got toted everywhere we went.  Nothing that they had to have with them.  Nothing that I had to have more than one of so that one could eventually be washed.  So far, neither does Jillian, but she does like to hold fabric from time to time while she thumb sucks, so maybe she'll like the taggie.

And if she doesn't, at least making it has energized me to get back to sewing some and that's a good thing.

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