Thursday, April 7, 2011

He's 6.

Alan turned 6.  I think I forgot to mention it.  I think I forgot to mention it because I don't like to remember he's getting older.  Maybe I'm worried about his sweet little boy attitude leaving and being replaced by some other little boy attitude.

He's still sweet.
 The other day he told me that he'll cry when I die.

And that I'm the best mom in the whole world.
 Holly wanted him to have a guitar for his birthday.
We made a chocolate cake for Hamza, who turned 20.  Alan got a pineapple upside down cake.  It looked great, but in typical 'I Have to Ruin the Birthday Cake' fashion, I forgot to set the timer and I took it out when it only looked finished and it was doughy in the middle.  Great reason to make another cake, I say.

Love that boy.

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