Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Like Pulling Teeth

Holly had her canine teeth pulled today.  Wiggled out.  Ha.  You can't really babytalk the dentist.

Since Holly's horrible first experience with the dentist.  When she was nervous.  When the dentist said she had 2 cavities.  When they didn't numb her up well enough and then started drilling and she was scared and screaming.  When she then had to go to a pediatric dentist to get it fixed up and ended up with caps and fillings and a bunch of stuff we weren't expecting.  Since then, she's gotten a little better at going to the dentist.  It helps that she's had no more cavities. 

And then she had some crowding issues.  Teeth coming in behind other teeth.  And the orthodontist suggested pulling the two canines to make a little room.  Today was the day.

She was nervous.  She had written down a page of questions she had for the dentist.  Mostly about the pain.  But she was willing.  And in good spirits.  Until she sat in the chair.  It was hard to breathe the strawberry 'Happy Gas' through a nose stuffy from crying. 

Tears.  At times muffled screams.  Cries.  The dentist ended up using a firm voice and telling her to stop screaming.  Please don't scream in my ear.  I have other patients.  You have to help me.  You can do this.  We care about you.  We don't want to hurt you.  We aren't trying to torture you.

She gave Holly a few shots and left.  She came back smiles and happy.  Holly wasn't so sure, but was quieter with her complaints and cries. 

The first tooth came out easy.  The second one was in an odd position and not so easy to grab.  But soon enough we were leaving with 2 teeth in a special box and orders to eat ice cream, yogurt, and mac and cheese for the rest of the day.

Holly had a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream. 

I think she earned it.

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