Tuesday, April 5, 2011


 We've been busy around here just growing.

Alan's is impressing me with his reading.
 Don't know how impressed Jillian is, though.
This weekend the girls sang in the choir for the Flowertown Festival.  They both have special parts - Holly singing in a small group and Julia is one of the lead characters - in the choir's spring musical.  Alan refused to join the group but did kind of sing from the audience.

We'd planned to go to TN to see family, but ended up changing the plans when we realized the performance was Sunday morning.  Sean went ahead without us and he got home Sunday about the time we got home from the festival.

The festival is a pretty big deal around our town - the estimate for attendance was something like 250,000 people.  I think maybe that was throughout the 3 days, and there were many fewer than that at the choir stage.  But we did join the masses to get some fair food and ride some rides.  The highlights for me were watching the kids love the rides, Alan playing a water gun carnival game, and the snow cones with marshmallow creme on top that were called 'Snowballs' and marketed as "It's a Baltimore Thing".

We're living through some other issues around here - how much makeup does a 10 year old really need to wear?  (I'm voting none, allowing some lip gloss and getting tired of the 'But I'm 10 and not 5! argument).  Working on doing what we say we're going to do - like not slipping the home phone that's a cell phone in our pockets as we say 'okay, I'm putting the phone on the counter'.  Waiting to have a couple of teeth wiggled out tomorrow and worrying over how much it will hurt and what we can eat afterward... And pretty much just trying to make some joy as we go through the days.

Julia's facebook account was disabled by the invisible people at Facebook.  Yes, she's under their qualifying age.  We lied.  I let her join so she could keep in touch easily with a friend in Tucson and I had Facebook text message me whenever she was tagged or to say someone wrote on the wall or whatever.  They didn't text me to say it was disabled, though.  Oh well.  She was upset at first, but rarely got on and doesn't seem to care much now.

And that's our nutshell.

Hope yours is good, too.

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