Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

One Christmas my mom gave Alan a gift that was wrapped using a Cheerios box.  He unwrapped the box and exclaimed "Oh!  I love Cheerios!" 

This Christmas I forgot about hiding a bunch of gifts in the garage.  Alan had no gifts from me under the tree.  He didn't complain a bit.  He opened his gifts from Grandma and Grandpa and Granna and Sean and happily started playing.  I didn't realize how many were missing until Mom remembered where I'd put them.  6.  When I brought them in mid-morning, he didn't give me a hard time at all.  He just opened them and loved them and started playing.

And he gave me my gift - a necklace that's a prayer box.  A tiny heartshaped box to hold good thoughts for when I have a bad day and need to let them out.  He explained it all in his card to me.

Sweet sweet boy.

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