Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dreams Part II

Julia made the callback for the audition she did.

That made us all happy.  She did well.  The man she auditioned for was impressed with her.  I believe that's all sincere.

But... we didn't go to the callback.

I googled the names of the people we saw.  And I googled the names of the companies they mentioned.  It didn't all fit together nicely.  There were plenty of complaints about the head guy.  The only cities I saw mentioned along with his name were Nashville and Atlanta.  Not Los Angeles.  The sheet of paper with the information for the next steps had no company name on it.  No contact information.  The showcase he claimed to be holding auditions for was not billed as presented by any company at all.

If I'd gone, I had a list of questions ready.

But instead of going, we decided that the money we could have spent on that could be better spent in the local theater taking classes and such.

And Julia was okay with that. Truly.

That made me happy.

She really is impressive.

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