Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Keeping Up

This should be a picture of Jillian with eggs.  But it is not.

Yesterday I snuck off to take a shower after the big kids left for school and Jillian was engrossed in Elmo.  I put her milk cup in the refrigerator, but I must have forgotten to lock it.  When I stepped out of the shower I heard her in her room and went to investigate. I found her sitting on her bed with 2 cartons of eggs. 

Amazingly, only one egg was broken in the bed.  Another was broken in the carton, but all in all I think that's pretty good.

I'm not sure what she was thinking or why she wanted them in her bed.  She certainly didn't like the feel of the broken egg she was sitting in.  And that's why I didn't reach for the camera before I cleaned her up.  Sometimes it's hard to keep up around here.   

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