Saturday, October 30, 2010

10 Years

When she was born we didn't own a digital camera. I know I scanned baby pictures of her once upon a time. But I don't know where I saved them.

She asks me a lot to tell her stories about when she was little(r). I'm pretty sure I told her about the cocoa powder tea party when she was 2 and a half.

Not sure I told her how she'd force Holly to dance with her...
The last ten years have gone by too quickly.
How is it possible that she's this beautiful ten year old girl when she was just that mischievous 2 year old?
And in another ten years, who knows who she'll be?
I love that girl.


trish leete said...

and in Julia's own words "can you believe that cute baby grew up to be this girl". Heck yeah, her grandmother can believe it.

Jen said...

Love the photo history. And that last one is very cool!