Friday, October 22, 2010

The Past Week or so - In Mixed up Order I'm Sure

A couple of weeks ago Sean helped Julia with a Social Studies project. They made a model of a cattle farm... I probably didn't get around to sharing it here. So when Holly had a Social Studies project assigned, she of course wanted Sean to help her. The assignment was to make a Cherokee craft, and she chose doll-making. So they made a corn husk doll. Turned out pretty well.
Yesterday Alan had a nursery rhyme parade at school. Bad mama that I am, I didn't realize that parents were invited to go. I'm not sure we were told what time the parade was going to be, but Alan said other parents were there and he looked for me. Oh, that broke my heart. Each child got to choose a nursery rhyme character to be - can you tell what he chose?
He's a cow that jumped over the moon. Although I suppose he could be a black sheep. He said there was another cow that had udders. I really should have given him a white spot on his belly. I made the hat and tail from two $1.50 hats from Target plus a little polyester felt and fluff.
Jillian's doing fine.
Last Saturday Julia took her 3 best buddies out to lunch and to the outlet mall. That outing probably deserves its own post. Tuesday we had cake at the house. This weekend she'll have a special day and cake with Oliver and his mom and sister - and Holly and Alan. I'm finding it hard to believe she's 10. Seems not possible it's been 10 years since she was Jillian's size.

They will also be trick-or-treating with O. Holly is a "dead bride" and Julia is an "evil spider queen". My mom helped make Julia's costume. We made both girls' costumes from dresses and skirts from Goodwill. Julia is missing her crown here, and I have yet to get a photo of Alan in his Mario costume (I made him overalls from some blue curtains Mom had, and found a tutorial for the hat which I happened to have stash fabric for). I hope O gets some good pictures of them, because I'm not sure they will want to dress up for me after.

I did a lot of sewing before Jillian came. Yesterday and the day before I did whip up some baby booties. (Lettuce Edged Booties from Knit Baby Heads & Toes)

I guess that's it around here. Julia's coming around where Jillian's concerned. She's wanted to hold her from the beginning and loves to love and pet on her, but she also would voice what I think any 2 yr old would want to say when a new siblling came home - if they had the vocabulary. Lately she's done more loving on and zero complaining about the baby. I'm so thankful for that.

1 comment:

trish leete said...

I'm not positive but I don't think Julia ever weighed 7# outside the womb. they're all beautiful!