Wednesday, November 3, 2010


She's wanted glasses for awhile. Now she's getting them.

I remember a time when I wished I had both glasses and braces, so I guess I can relate. I still wish she didn't need them.

I learned a couple of things while we were at the eye doctor.

Julia is a good decision-maker. She picked out 6 or so 'maybe' glasses. When she put the last pair on, it was obvious that pair was the one. She knew it. She didn't even glance back at the 'maybe' pile. She didn't waver. I have been known to spend way too much time picking out a box of kitty litter. She most likely didn't get those decision making genes from me.

And while we were waiting for the ladies in the office to check on what insurance coverage Julia had, we chatted. I said something to Julia about Oliver's aunt who I learned recently broke her ankle and was having surgery yesterday. Julia responded by saying that she's really glad that even though Oliver and I are divorced, that we get along and that I talk about his side of the family. She was about to tell me something about a book she'd read when she was called back for her exam and the conversation was cut short.

That remark of hers really made me feel good. And she probably has no idea.

Jillian is a little less excited about Julia's glasses.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joanna:

In spite of my lack of comments, I have been checcking your blog daily. Congrtaulations on the new sweet heart of South Carolina. By the way, boys will make passes at girls that wear glasses. oliver and Robin arfe here at the farm for the weekend, working on a hoop house and visiting Aunt Rosie who as you know is on Injured Reserve and out for the season.


Jen said...

I love that Julia is a decision-maker. Amazing for a kid, I think!