Monday, September 3, 2012

Small Update

The big kids started swim team last week.  It's the first sport we've tried that they all really seem to like.  Alan's lane is mostly a swim lesson right now, but that's a good thing.  And he'll get to move up whenever he's ready.  The girls are in the same level on the team and sometimes in the same lane and sometimes separate lanes.

I love it.

I love watching.  I love listening to them talk about it afterward.

It brings back lots of memories for me - who is passing who, who is passing and then slowing down, who is refusing to let anyone pass...

I got them some swim caps after a couple of practices.  Holly was upset that her hair stuck out of the lycra cap.  She was a little bit obsessed with making it not stick out.  Maybe that gives you a little insight into her personality. :)  She even made me take a picture so she could try to see what it looked like.  And, for the record, it was her sweet sister who pointed out that the hairs were sticking out in the first place. 

 Jillian keeps getting bigger.
 And her dad and her grandmother can dress her up for the UT game, but they can't make her listen to them scream "Go Vols!". 

1 comment:

Andrea_Ben said...

Sweetness! I cannot believe how big Jillian is getting!